Make a donation

Your donations allow us to keep growing and scaling our forests, and it could not be done without you.

General Donations

To support our work as we scale across the country creating and restoring woodlands in England, Scotland, and Wales, we really need your help with general donations. These mean we can hire more staff, get more equipment, and use any spare cash towards any purposes instead of having them restricted to specific purposes.

Direct Impact

If you’re the sort who wants to know exactly what a charity is doing with your money, we’ve got some more targeted ways you can support us.

Sponsor a Tree

Plant one tree in the UK and get a certificate, sponsoring a tree we’ve either recently planted, or will plant as soon as tree planting season kicks off again in October.

Support Nature Restoration

We’ve got all sorts of other products rolling out that need funding, from hedgerows and wildflower meadows to ancient woodland restoration and invasive species removal. Sponsor these products to help fund the work, and get a certificate showing whats been done and where.

Help us Acquire Land

Land Fund

We buy low quality farmland to convert into woodland, and ancient woodlands that need restoration (like High Wood). This allows us to create vibrant ecosystems, to sequester carbon and give wildlife a fighting chance. More importantly it means we can ensure the ongoing protection of the woodlands.

Donations to our Land fund will be spent entirely on costs associated with buying land, e.g. land price, site surveys, solicitors fees.

Here’s just a few of our recent donors. If you decide to support our work why not leave a message for everyone!